Our Services

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Specialized Care Programs

Discover the difference Salus Home Health Care can make in the lives of your loved ones.

Contact us today to explore how our services can enhance the quality of life through compassionate and reliable in-home health care.
  • Veteran Support & Care:
    We support the Home Community Based Service Programs.  This program helps qualified veterans and dependence receive assistance to remain in their homes.
  • Flexible Hourly Care: Whether you need assistance for a few hours a day or around the clock, our flexible hourly care services are designed to accommodate your schedule.
  • Trusted Professionals: Our team consists of skilled and certified professionals committed to providing the highest standard of care.
  • Personalized Approach: We prioritize your unique needs, preferences, and routines to create a customized care plan that promotes independence and well-being.
  • Peace of Mind: Rest easy knowing your loved one is receiving exceptional care in the comfort of their own home.


Skilled Nursing Care:

Our registered nurses and licensed practical nurses deliver expert medical care, including wound care, medication management, and vital sign monitoring.
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Personal Care Assistance:

Compassionate caregivers assist with activities of daily living, such as bathing, dressing, grooming, and mobility support. 
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Medication Management:

Ensure proper adherence to medication schedules with our trained professionals who can assist in organizing and administering medications. 
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Respite Care: 

Family caregivers deserve a break. Our respite care services allow them to take time off while ensuring their loved ones receive quality care at home. 
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Tailored Care Plans

Tailored care plans for conditions such as diabetes, Alzheimer's, and post-surgery recovery to address specific needs and promote optimal health.

Experience Salus Home Care, LLC for Yourself

Contact us to learn more and to schedule a personalized visit.
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